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IRF Mourns Naftali Frankel, zt"l, Gilad Saar, zt"l, and Eyal Yifrach, zt"l

July 1, 2014

The leadership and the members of the IRF, along with all of Klal Yisrael, and people of conscience world-wide, mourn and grieve over the violent, tragic murder of our three young brothers Naftali Frankel, age 16, Gilad Saar, age 16, and Eyal Yifrach, age 19.

The anguish of their parents is unfathomable to us, and yet we fervently pray that somehow, over the course of the coming months and years, that they find comfort. We continue to admire the fortitude and dignity they displayed throughout this nightmare. 

There are enemies of Israel, enemies of all that is decent and good, who have this blood on their hands. There is no justification under the heavens for the murder of innocents. May God, and the world, demand justice.

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