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Thank you for visiting the website of the International Rabbinic Fellowship. We hope that you will look around, learn more about the IRF’s vision and mission, and consider how you can join us in creating a vibrant Jewish future.


The IRF is a group of Orthodox Rabbis, Clergy and Spiritual leaders who join together to learn and grow professionally. Together we study Torah, engage in open and respectful discussion, and advocate policies and implement actions on behalf of the Jewish people and humankind.


The IRF is made up of men and women. We are from Israel and Chutz L’aretz. We are politically diverse and committed to a diversity of thought. We work in shuls, schools, camps, Hillels, and so much more. And we come together around a shared vision of a loving, open, and accessible Orthodoxy.


We are committed to the professional and spiritual growth and well-being of our members. As such we are dedicated to providing guidance, programming ideas and general support to IRF members. We do so via conferences, sharing resources, a members only listserve and a growing number shiurim open to IRF members.

We are committed to:

  1. The creation of space where every participant feels comfortable voicing her or his opinion. A space where questions are always celebrated.

  2. Bringing together Orthodox rabbis from the Golah and from Israel to put a wide range of opinions on the table in terms of Halakha, Hashkafa and public policy.

  3. Respecting the right, responsibility and autonomy of individual rabbis to decide matters of halakha for their communities.

  4. Religious Zionism, recognizing the centrality of the Land of Israel and the State of Israel to world Jewry.

  5. Affirming the shared divine image (tzelem Elokim) of all people, our responsibility to improve the world and our capacity to be enriched by it.

Please feel free to contact any of the IRF Leadership if you have any questions of if the IRF can be of assistance to you.

Rabbi Jordan Soffer

November 2020

IRF Mourns Passing of Rabbi Moshe Kahn z"l

January 20, 2023

The International Rabbinic Fellowship mourns the passing of Rabbi Moshe Kahn, z"l, a gentle giant of Torah and leadership in the area of higher women's Torah education, as well as Talmud education for Baalei Teshuva.

IRF Condemns Rhetoric Directed Against the LGBTQ+ Community

January 1, 2023

The International Rabbinic Fellowship strongly condemns the vitriolic rhetoric and disdain directed at incoming Knesset Speaker, Amir Ohana and the LGBTQ+ community, by Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Shlomo Amar, and senior Rabbi Meir Mazoz.

IRF Mourns the Passing of Rabbi Chaim Druckman, z"l

December 31, 2022

The International Rabbinic Fellowship mourns the passing of Rabbi Chaim Druckman z"l, a leading educator and spiritual guide of the national-religious community for more than half a century.

IRF Expresses Its Support for LGBTQ+ Members of Our Community

September 07, 2022

The International Rabbinic Fellowship, a membership organization of several hundred Orthodox rabbis, communal scholars, clergy and educators, affirms that LGBTQ+ Jews are treasured and beloved members of our schools, shuls, and families.

IRF Membership

Thank you for your interest in joining the International Rabbinic Fellowship.


Please click here for more information.

IRF Mission

The IRF brings together Orthodox Rabbis to:

  • engage in serious study of Torah and Halacha,

  • join in open and respectful discussion, and

  • advocate for policies and implement actions on behalf of world Jewry and humankind.

IRF Support

Thank you for your support. We accept donations through PayPal.


NOTE: A PayPal account is not required to donate, simply click the link and use your credit card at checkout.

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